COVID-19: Imperatives for Employers & Employees

As an HR professional, I have never felt the need to put out ‘expert opinions’ for people to reapply or learn from. My focus as an employee has always been to do an excellent job, add value and make impact. I live the “Be so good they can’t ignore you” mantra.
However, a lot of times after conversation with my friends, I get asked why I don’t share my professional knowledge broadly. A friend of mine who had always challenged me about this sent me a message two days ago that said – “ Cities that were set upon hills don’t decide to hide under a bucket; You’re literally covering your own candle” – so here I am sharing my thoughts/opinions and hoping it will be helpful to at least one person/organization.
In this article, I will be sharing my thoughts on the remote working landscape in Nigeria and what employers & employees should do differently to maximize productivity at this time.
Over the past few weeks, a lot of us have been on ‘lockdown’ in various parts of the country and there has been wider usage of the phrase “Working from Home”.
As someone who has had the opportunity to work in two great multinational organizations with flexible work approaches, this was not alien as I always had the flexibility to work from home. As such, with the lockdown, all I needed to do was get into my home office and get on with work. Deliverables, timelines and productivity remained largely constant and the only thing I was missing was the physical human interaction.
I realized however, that this concept was new to a lot of organizations in Nigeria. Over the past weeks, I have been exposed to a number of employees from different corporate organizations who have been sitting idly, getting little or nothing done as their organizations are not set up to support remote working. You would assume this issue would be peculiar to small organizations; that just maybe they don’t have the resources to set up the right structures, however that is far from the reality, a lot of large organizations in various sectors despite having large budgets are losing out on productive time from their employees because they have refused to leverage available technology and put in place the right structure to optimize results.
Personally, I think there is a cultural element to why the average Nigerian organization would not embrace a ‘Work from Home’ culture, we believe that until you see someone with your two ‘korokoro’ eyes, there is no way they will deliver optimal performance and that is why there is a lot of eye-service in the workplace. However, from research, the average employee is only productive for 3 hours every workday (even in the office). If that is the case, what employers need to focus on is how to increase the hours of productivity regardless of the location.
I would argue that employees can be doubly productive at home than at the office and there is a substantial body of work to support this. According to one study, remote employees work an average of 1.4 more days per month than their office-based counterparts, resulting in more than three additional weeks of work per year. This number will definitely be higher in Lagos where employees spend an average of three hours as transit time to and from work daily.
Below are a few things I believe would be beneficial for both employers/employees at this time:
Have the Right Structure: Structure is everything, every business must ensure that they are designed in a way that optimizes efficiency and effectiveness. At the core of this is aligning business processes, workflows, roles and responsibilities to available resources.
One common mistake a lot of businesses make is that they start organization design from the people i.e. creating roles for people versus plugging people into already aligned roles as part of a defined organizational structure. This anomaly must be urgently corrected, the imperative of the impact of Covid-19 on work processes dictates that every organization that wants to make it to the other side must critically re-think their structure, create roles that aligns with organizational goals and fit talents into the roles.
Set Clear Objectives: This might sound cliché and you may have heard this several times; however, it is the most critical part of determining success in an organization. Your employees need to have clarity on what is required from them with clear timelines. Like the popular saying, goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & Time-bound). This way, regardless of where the work is being carried out, people know what is expected from them and you can track whether they are meeting expectations.
Build an Environment of Mutual Trust: Studies show that organizations with a high level of trust have increased employee morale, more productive workers and lower staff turnover. If you have the right structure and the right people, you should trust that your employees will manage their time and remain productive. That is not to say that the trust will not be betrayed as is the case with all human interactions (that is why disciplinary policies in the workplace exist).
Have Systems/Processes to Track Performance: One of the things I tell people leaders is that an employee should never be surprised by their performance rating at the end of the year. It is not a good look for any leader if subordinates are shocked by their ratings at appraisals. Feedback should be continuous; cycle is dependent on type of job/role and as such I wouldn’t be specific in terms of timing/frequency. As an organization, you should design processes for feedback even as employees work remotely.
Set up Routines: Whilst it is important to have a trust-based relationship, accountability is key. One of the ways to ensure accountability is to have consistent routines especially now that a lot of employees work from home. You could set up daily or weekly check-ins. This could be brief meetings to check with your team, understand what they are currently working on, check status, communicate changes in priorities etc. If an employee knows that I have a check-in with my leader Monday mornings for example it drives accountability in ensuring they work towards closing open actions in time for the next check-in.
Communicate: It is important for business owners and leaders to communicate the effect of the pandemic on projections, revenues, profit and overall business openly & transparently; trust me, your employers understand.
In cases where actions like pay cuts, forced leave, unpaid leave, redundancies etc. must be taken, communicate early and respectfully. These conversations need to be straightforward and according to Jack Welch should be guided by two main principles: “no surprises and no humiliation. If you handle them right, they’ll never be enjoyable, but they can be tolerable for all involved” ; let your humanity show through the entire process. While at it, ensure that all applicable laws are obeyed. It will be unfortunate to act without taking into cognizance your employee’s legal rights and end up being burdened with litigation at a time when your business requires your maximum attention.
Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You: This is one of my favorite quotes of all time; it is from the book ‘So Good They Can’t Ignore You’ by Cal Newport. It is a philosophy I live by as a professional. This doesn’t mean never making mistakes or being 100% perfect, however as an employee you need to continuously work towards building expertise within and beyond your scope.
As an employee, your growth & development is primarily your responsibility. Whilst your organization might have processes in place to support this, you are in the driver seat and you can only grow as much as you let yourself. It is important to remember that the skills you develop are yours to own!
Are your organization’s priorities changing due to the pandemic? This is the time to understand what new skills are needed for you to standout at this time and take the time to develop yourself in them.
Be Dependable!
Communicate: Communication is a two-way process and as such responsibilities go both ways in the employer-employee relationship. This is not the time to be quiet/invisible; you need to ask questions, share progress on whatever you are working on, share your ideas on what the company can do differently, just generally add value. You should never approach work like you are doing the company a favour. You are building skills that no one can take away from you irrespective of the organization you work in. Remember that!
Expect Anything: This is the part a lot of employees don’t like to hear; most people want to work on their own terms and leave on their own terms. But we all know that work isn’t a perpetual paradise; sometimes, organizations must make tough and unpleasant decisions and if you are in paid employment, you don’t have 100% control over how these decisions will affect you.
The ongoing pandemic will expectedly have an impact on a lot of organization’s revenue and as a result many organizations are exploring options to reduce their expenses to enable them stay afloat. All options will be considered and this could range from options like mandatory leave, unpaid leave, up to termination. It is the harsh reality of life and you need to internalize this.
Lead Your Self: More than ever, this is the time to lead yourself as an employee. You need to be agile and flexible to adapt to the changing landscape and act swiftly to meet the dynamic needs of your organization.
The world as we know it has changed forever and the task for sustaining high-performing organizations is a joint responsibility for both employers and employees. We all should strive to play our part in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect.
Oluwanifemi Odeyinde is the HR Business partner for Sub-Saharan Africa at Johnson & Johnson. She can be reached at
Emmanuel Timehin-James
Thank you.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks Teemex. Glad it was valuable to you.
You should totally write more often! I always look forward to your new posts.
I find this topic very interesting especially the bit about how “you’re not doing anyone a favor”, and how the skills you have are yours to own.
I totally agree that even if your company supports continuous development, you’re in the driver’s seat and whatever you decide to do is left to you.
Great post!!!! Very encouraging too.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you dear 🙏💕. I’m so glad it was valuable to you. Yes indeed I should write more often- working towards that 😊. Any specific topics you want to read about? Feel free to share.
Sunday OKORO
Was quite enlightening and of great eruditory delivery as it embrasses all and sundry. God bless you for this great thesis. Tumbs up boss
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you very much
Perfectly written as always!
This one’s a major food for thought for me.. thank you for sharing.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you Chidinma for your kind words. I’m glad it was valuable to you.
Very insightful piece. Thank you Nifemi
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you 🙏. Glad it was valuable
Anuoluwapo Awolu
Thank you Nifemi. This is enlightening.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you Anu 🤗. I still owe you that CV review – expect my feedback in the coming days
Ay pumping
Insightful n enlightening….This should be shared to alot of Coys…U r doing well…Ooin
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you 🙏😊. We all can spread the word
Ademola Ogunkoya
Spot on.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you very much. Glad you found it inspiring
Adeyeye Joy
This is quite insightful. Looking forward to more. Sure, I’ve learnt something new. I’m not doing anybody a favour, I must prove myself indispensable to my organization. Tx Niffy
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks Aunty Joy. Glad this was valuable 😘
Thank you for sharing, Nifemi.
Great lesssons for all to leaen
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks Anthony. So much learning for us all
Quite insightful. Beautiful write up.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you Abiola
Very well written Nifemi. The opportunity to increase productivity for companies in Nigeria coming out of COVID19 is quite large if systems are put into place.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Yes Indeed Gbenga. Totally agree
Very insightful
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you
Very insightful ! As an employee, my growth & development is primarily my responsibility.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Yes indeed!
Great piece.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks Sola
Thank you so much for this insight; so resourceful and concise.
My favorite line and one of the mantra I will start living by is
“Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You”.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you Folarin. I am glad you found it insightful. It’s a strong quote indeed 💪. All the best to you
Adenike Adebiyi
Well done
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks Nikky
This is a great piece. I sure got value
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you Sarah. I am glad you found it insightful
Isaac Adegunle
Great piece from our Madam HR. Like my boss would say: Be too relevant to be ignored. I think it all boils down to this as organisations struggle with implementing sustainable business continuity strategies for post-corona survival. Thanks for the Insight.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Isaac!!!!!!!!!! Great to read from you. Glad you found this valuable
Awesome piece! Thanks for sharing. Communication is key indeed. How sometimes we work so hard without proper communication of our progress and ideas in order to get the feedback and recognition we deserve. Definitely taking a couple points here on-board.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks alot Tunde. Glad this was valuable
Beautifully written, so insightful
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you very much. Glad this was insightful
Nifemi, what I enjoy most about your write up is that it’s authentic and you walk the talk. You really should keep writing. Insightful piece!
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you so much Nkechi. Glad you found it insightful
It was really interesting to read, I enjoyed reading this.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks Wheme darling. Glad you enjoyed it
Tomi Badejo
This piece is entertaining, enlightening and educating. I love the sequential articulation of your thoughts. Good job Nifemi. Proud of you.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks Darling. Super glad you enjoyed it.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Hello Anonymous – thanks for your feedback. I am glad you found the article insightful. With regards to your question, I would like to get more context to the situation. Is the employer retracting the offer from the prospective employee or has the employee resumed ? It will be great if we can speak further on this so I am clear on the situation. Feel free to shoot me an email on so we can discuss further
Nifemi Odeyinde
Hello Anonymous – thanks for your feedback. I am glad you found the article insightful. With regards to your question, I would like to get more context to the situation. Is the employer retracting the offer from the prospective employee or has the employee resumed ? It will be great if we can speak further on this so I am clear on the situation. Feel free to shoot me an email on so we can discuss further
Akinteye Ibukunoluwa
Very valuable and Timely.