During one of my book club meetings recently, we were discussing the book “In 5 years by Rebecca Serle” and one of the questions we took turns answering was “Which relationship would you consider as superior – your ‘romantic’ or ‘platonic’ relationship?”
What I found interesting as I answered was that I would have had a totally different answer to this question if I was asked a few years ago. I would have said something along the lines of a romantic relationship being the greatest gift and that it encompasses the best form of love you can experience – as long as you find ‘your person’.
As I’ve grown over the years, I have come to the understanding that no matter how healthy your partnered relationship is, one person cannot be everything for you and it is as important to cherish & nurture the platonic relationships in your life as you would your partnered relationship.

This mindset translates into a different sense of gratitude for everyone who is in your life and a part of your journey. You start to see your relationships as an experience and revel in the unique experience with each individual.
As I reflect on the year 2021, I am extra thankful for all the various interactions and relationships I opened my heart to this year; for all the people who opened their hearts to me in return, shared my struggles, cheered me on and filled my year with laughter. I realize that I could never have made it out of this year as whole as I am without each person in my life.
As you wrap up this year, I hope you can take time to reflect and appreciate the people that have been placed in your life; and I hope you can take some time to let them know how much they mean to you.
Have a great week and compliments of the season.