Why I Decided To Start Writing

Finally!!! I am writing my first blog post! Over the past years, a few people have pointed out to me that ‘I write well’ and should consider doing it often. The first time I got this feedback was back in 2009 from one of my ‘egbons’ – Kayode Kolade. I can’t recall the exact incident that made him share this feedback with me however I remember vividly that few days later on the 12th July, 2009 in front of my hostel, Mozambique, at Obafemi Awolowo University he gave me a journal and encouraged me to start writing (I remember this date because I still have the journal) .

“Memories are dear, your ink I dare” – the first page of the journal and Kayode’s words of encouragement – 😊 (Thanks Kainos Ktisis)
The second feedback I can strongly remember was from my friend Koye, I had expressed my opinion on a particular topic and when we had a conversation about it, he said “you know you write well right and your writing is so relatable”. Getting that feedback from someone who conservatively gives compliments, I had a huge smile on my face at the other end of the call.

Koye 🙂
Finally and most recently, was from my biggest cheerleader (My husband, Kayode) who believes I can do practically anything and who also thinks I need to channel the passion I have when discussing issues I feel strongly about to something productive (I always ensure my voice is heard when I speak on topics I am passionate about)

My Number 1 Cheerleader
Coming to terms with the burning desire I have to find expression , I have decided to take a leap into my writing journey. Maybe this way, my voice can be heard by more people…
This is a personal blog (I am not a professional writer) and I will be sharing my thoughts, experiences and insights in my overall life journey. I also will feature some of my favorite people to share their thoughts on various topics from career, family, finance, personal development, and other subjects. I am very open to your suggestions on topics you would like me to discuss or questions you have.
Like I strongly believe, our stories are all we have, and therefore something we should all own with pride. Welcome to my world and I hope we can connect, learn and share through this platform.

Let me know you read this…. I look forward to reading your comments.
With Love,
Awww this is so nice! It’s nice that you’ve decided to start writing (finally) and even nicer that I feature in this blogpost :-). I love it!
Nifemi Odeyinde
Hahahahaha . Thanks darl
This write-up, in itself, is inspiring. Thanks for taking the bold step. I will definitely be following through.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you dear
Proud of you Nife!. You will do great.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you 🙏
Kemisola Aruna
Sister girl,blogging….,its in YOU
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks hun ❤️💋
Baba J
Nice one Nifemi, I actually would have thought Kay would be the one doing the writing.
I am really looking forward to more write ups, wishing you the best.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks Bro 😁💪
Looking forward to more sis! ❤️
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks hun ❤️💋
This is good. So excited for you. Looking forward to more posts.
Congrats Nifemi.
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks darling
We go💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
Nifemi Odeyinde
Yalla 🙂 Thanks dear
I loveeet! Welldone Sis👏🙌❤
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thanks darling
Uber excited that you’ve begun this journey. I’ve fasted my seatbelt, adjust my chair to its upright position, and put away my tray. Let’s go!
Nifemi Odeyinde
Thank you so much Gbenga
Temitayo Adesanya
Weldone sis, glad you gave it a push finally, I was in the same spot some months ago, but with the little push and motivation I started writing also, you are another motivation to my lazy self 😁.